My Taste Triangle / Not a sponsored Doritos post

Hello and welcome to the first real entry on my blog. This blog will be about all sorts of things I'm interested in, but probably mostly about media. Films, games, books, anime, tv-shows, maybe a play or two (unlikely).

I've tried to put a lot of thought into what could make this blog stand out, and I've decided that the only real distinguishing factor that I can (and should) bring to the table is that it is mine.

Of course that means it will be almost exclusively be about things I care about, but I also want to introduce a way to rate things that is specific to me.


That weird triangle is what I've decided to call a taste triangle. It's a radar chart, 'just' a visual representation of 3 scores that range from 1 (absent / horrible) to 10 (perfect), pictured above are three perfect scores (probably for the last time on this blog).
What will set it apart is that each corner is a metric specific to me, something I find important in a piece of media.

Corner 1 / Adventure 🚀

So, let's get started with the top corner. When I tried to figure out what would be good corners for the triangle I instantly thought of one thing, Star Wars. Granted, a lot of my deliberations land there, so that's not very surprising. What is a core trait of Star Wars that I could use as a yardstick for other media I consume?
As the paragraph title already succinctly spoils, I went with Adventure.
Things that contribute to a high Adventure score are a journey into the unknown, amazing locales, a struggle against oppression, a band of misfits uniting behind a common cause.
This is how I define adventure and these are all things I want in my media, so it looks like the first corner was chosen well.

Corner 2 / Smart 💡

I don't just care about Adventure though. A critical piece of the equation that forms my rather specific tastes is still clearly missing.
The second corner of my taste triangle, therefore, is Smart. I like thinking along with a mystery, being surprised by a sudden development (especially if it was already hinted at and set up) and in general getting the impression that the creators really thought through what they are presenting to me.
This doesn't mean adventure films can't be smart, the whole point is that these are just different ways to measure a single piece of media (on a series of criteria specifically important to me).

Corner 3 / Heart 💖

This was the tricky one to pin down... but also an important one.
With our Adventure and Smart corners established my perfect film would be something like Inception, which sees a ragtag group of smart people infiltrating the consciousness of somebody to implant an idea. It's an innovative and smart adventure film, definitely one I enjoyed, but going by those first two corners it should be close to the best film I've ever seen... and it's really not.
So what's missing? I've landed on Heart as a summarising label.
Many films (and arguably basically all good films) are passion projects that a lot of talented people poured their heart and soul into. That's not what I'm talking about.
I enjoy a good love story, and that's something that hasn't really been represented by the other two corners yet, but that's far too limiting for what I'm trying to convey here.
For me this corner is about love, but also about so much more. It's about optimism, about fun, about colour, about music. About how a piece of media makes me feel.
I want to be entertained, inspired and emboldened.

With that our corner is complete:
Let's see what I can do with it...
